"I will camouflage myself like the moth, and I will look back at you with my huge vacuoles and watch you crumble into the pits of the earth -
and then I will be gone from here forever."
The fourth novel in the Kingdom of Durundal series
Saskia remembers when the soil of Durundal hummed with peace.
A fragile calm reigns in Durundal. King Lyall and his brother, Namir, King of the Clans, rule the kingdoms. But all around ambitious rulers, eyeing the rich lands and wealthy settlements, are mounting raids. One such ruler is Segan Hezekiah, self appointed King of the Mountain.
When Saskia and her wealthy landowner father are captured and taken to Hezekiah Hall, she is incarcerated in a remote tower while her people are shackled and branded as slaves. Her father is thrown into the depths of a mine to search for gold.
Though help from an unlikely source promises to groom her into a deadly assassin—which doesn't come without danger.
For the shadows still lengthen and the Dark Lord and his Disciples grow in strength and power - a power corrupted by evil, a power that drives men insane, a power that drives men to do the Dark Lord's bidding.
But Saskia will do anything to win freedom for her father and her people ... no matter the consequences.
'You might be my nemesis now, but I do not fear you. You think you have the power to destroy me, to keep me here, to imprison me - but you are wrong. I am the power - and one day I will destroy you. On that day I will see you as a blade of grass on the ground, and cast aside your illusion of grandeur. Your face of stone will be like a veil of silk to me, a soft cushion of feathers, a bed of straw. I will escape your clutches and take flight like the owl. I will camouflage myself like the moth and I will look back at you with my huge vacuoles and watch you crumble into the pits of the earth - and then I will be gone from here forever.'
Magical ★★★★★
With stories as perennial and universally beloved as Circe and The Lord of The Rings - but also unlike anything but themselves - this book is perfect for those new to The Kingdom of Durundal series, as well as those who are well-acquainted with its enchanting magic: for to know The Kingdom of Durundal is to love it.